The Post I Told Myself I Would Never Write

I always told myself I wouldn't make a post like this when I started blogging.
Reason being because I consider myself a very modest individual,
and also, I've learned the hard way that the details of my relationship are my business.
I never wanted to be "that girl" that writes a sappy post about her boyfriend.
But very recently, I've had a change of heart to do this.

I've always believed that the best relationships aren't represented on social media.
Just because I'm not posting a selfie with a cute caption every week, doesn't mean we're not happy.
Just because I don't tweet him every second of the day, doesn't mean we don't love each other.
And just because we're not with each other all time, doesn't mean our relationship isn't successful.
But I've noticed that I don't take the time that I should to let him (and I suppose the world) 
know just how much I appreciate him being a part of my life for almost three (!!) years now.


So, this is him. This is my guy.

I'm not here to tell you "the story of us".
I'm here to be honest.

The way our relationship started was definitely not a "normal" one.
But I've never considered us to be a normal couple anyways, whatever that may be.
And if you want the truth, it hasn't always been the smoothest ride 
to get to the point where we are today.

You can't ignore the road blocks that get in the way.
You either let them affect you, or you take them with a grain of salt and learn.
We've had our fair share of trials, if that's something you want me to admit to.
I don't block those memories out like they never happened,
because they did and as much as people would like to, you can't change past events.

Fletcher and I have worked through the challenges,
and ultimately, our relationship has grown because of it.
But throughout the three years he's had to deal with me, I've noticed that the good moments
have DEFINITELY outweigh the bad.


I will never forget the summer when I texted him saying "Keep surprising me",
and maybe 10 seconds later, he walked into my living room.

I will never forget our first date, because even though I just wore jeans and a sweater,
he looked at me like I was the most beautiful woman he's ever seen.

I will never forget that look (or that kiss).

I will never forget how strong he was for me when my best friend passed away.

I will never forget our one-year anniversary. Not exactly as planned, but what's to expect with us?

I'll never forget coming back from Mexico, and my phone blowing up with "I miss you" texts.

I'll never forget this past New Years and our road trip.

I'll never forget this past semester, because never have I needed someone to be strong for me
when I couldn't gain the strength to be strong for myself.

I'll never forget how he accepted my past, and never judged.

I'll never forget where we were when he first told me he loved me.

I'll never forget how he's never once made me feel like I wasn't good enough.

I'll never forget how he's never told me how to live my life.
He's just always been there along for the ride.


At the end of the day, I'd rather have bad days with Fletcher than good days with someone else.

I've never been more thankful to have someone in my life.
I'm lucky to have someone that's my rock, someone that constantly has me smiling,
someone that would always choose me over anyone else.
I'm lucky to be in love with someone that loves me, flaws and everything, back.

His true colors perfectly blend with mine,
and my world was rocked by a little earthquake when I met him.

Keep doing you, FletchTopper.
There's no one better.


Until next time,


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