My Life in GIFs: Post-Grad Life as told by The Kardashians

The time has come where I can finally say I'm hotter by one degree!
My time as a post-graduate has commenced!
It's a time of celebration, along with a lot of "when are you going to get a job?" questions.

Here's how my post-grad life is going...

1.) Seeing my bank account getting smaller and smaller.

2.) Moving back into my dad's house has me like...
*Love you dad, if you're reading this.

3.) Looking up jobs and seeing they want 6382 years of experience.
*New flash, no ones perfect.

4.) Finding my "dream job", and the company not wanting you.

5.) Trying to figure out this whole "adult" situation I've landed in.

6.) Praying my addiction to Pinterest will someday make money.

7.) Trying to stay confident that I'll get hired...
*Even though I think this was about this partying problems (insert emoji of monkey that can't see evil)

8.) When I'm emailing someone back about a potential interview..

9.) Realizing all my friends are so far away.

10.) Forcing my cat to love me because I have no life at home.

11.) When I actually take the time to care about what I look like.
*It's a minor miracle.

Disclaimer: I realize that some of this might look as if I'm being lazy, or completely unmotivated and unfocused on trying to find a job, get off my dad's payroll so to say, and jumpstart my life in the 9-5 world. This is simply not the case at all. Though I am honestly confused and wishing I could make a living just by sitting on Pinterest all day, I've never been inspired or more driven to accomplish something in my entire life. I have a lot of barriers trying to make this a harder process, when it's already a challenging one. And I might add, those barriers and I come face-to-face often. But I'm trying to keep myself positive, knowing that the right opportunity will come at the right time, I just can't stop working towards the direction I want to take my life, and ultimately, I can't stop being myself. The person I grew to become in college is the individual I want to take in my profession.

Also, another disclaimer: can't help that the Kardashian clan likes to cuss a lot.

Post-grad is an interesting phase in someone's life.
It's a time of celebration, but it can also still be a time of growth, just like the college years.
You don't realize how much growing you still have to do.
Sometimes you feel like running away more now than when you were kid.
Dive head first, and don't hesitate though.
Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those that work their asses off.


Happy Hump Day!

May the blogging gods be ever in my favor this summer.
And also the hiring managers.

Until next time,


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