October Favorites

October is almost Octover. I’ll be enjoying this week excited for the weekend approaching with a few of my favorite things that I couldn’t get enough of this month!

Fall Lip Colors from Revlon // Mink + Spicy Cinnamon

I’m not very adventurous when it comes to lip color, only because I feel as if I can’t really pull them off. I end up looking like I’m trying too hard. But these colors have come to the rescue this fall! When I wear lipstick, especially to work or just with any outfit, I instantly feel more put together and these shades have helped me feel good without it coming off as if I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to makeup (which is actually the case). Revlon makes my favorite drugstore brand lipsticks, and these are the two colors I’ve been grabbing on the reg. Mink. Spicy Cinnamon.

It Cosmetics CC Cream // Shade “light”
This was not an "out of the whim" purchase like most of mine are. I was on the hunt for a new foundation since my others were getting to dark for my approaching winter skin. And though not a foundation, you feel (and look) like you’re wearing some. I look like I actually got sleep when I walk into my 8 a.m. meetings when in reality I didn’t because I was up watching American Horror Story. Though the price tag is a little bit of a turn off for some people on a budget, I’ve never regretted this trip to Ulta. CC Cream.

Clean & Clear // Deep Action Exfoliating Scrub
So... my skin sucks, but this makes it suck less. I went to Target (are we surprised?) determined to find a new face wash because the one I’ve been using for a while just wasn’t cutting it anymore. I know skin care is actually one of those things that most people find to be worth the splurge, but I frankly don’t since I don’t have major skin issues, just the occasion bad days. I honestly don’t know what made me put this in my basket, but currently, it’s made me want to constantly touch my face because I never knew what it meant to have baby bum-feeling skin, and NOW I DO! 
Thanks, Clean & Clear.

Dry Shampoo // Batiste with hint of color
If college did anything besides give me a really expensive piece of paper, it taught me how valuable dry shampoo is. I still live off this stuff (sorry to my co-workers). I recently switched to this brand, mostly because I’ve kind of started noticing more and more the white powder residue that other ones can leave in your hair, and it’s been a wonderful discovery. They make two other shades for lighter hair as well. And it just smells good, and everyone loves stuff that smells pleasant.
Dark & Deep Brown.

Cardigan // Brandy Melville

I can thank my boyfriend for convincing me that I needed this in my closet (I probably really didn’t, but lets pretend I really really did). I’ve worn it more on a dress-down basis, and have only taken it to work as a pullover when needed, but I’ve never met a sweater that I’ve been more in love with and loves me back. You can seriously cuddle with it. It comes as a one size fits all, and I purchased this particular one at my local Pacsun. If you like huge sweaters (and who doesn’t?) Brandy Melville has you covered (literally). I couldn't find this particular style, but they have similar ones.

Jewelry // Long Chains
If you really know me, you know I don’t really like wearing jewelry. Am I even a girl? But really. I like having staples like my Kendra Scott Danielle’s or the thin gold rings I have been wearing recently, but I’ve started to really enjoy necklaces this month. I’ve been wearing my Kendra Scott Rayne Necklace like crazy because it makes any fall outfit better, and I recently picked up some sale pieces from Charming Charlie’s. You can find them one here.

Candles // Flannel + Marshmallow Fireside

Yes, still basic. What’s new? But fall is the best season for candles honestly. Maybe just for me because I’m more drawn to warm scents. Vanillas, baked goods, musk, that’s what I love. I don’t do floral at all, so fall is when I go crazy because everything smelling-good wise is my cup of tea. These are two I have been burning for the past couple of weeks now. Both from Bath & Body Works, where else? Marshmallow Fireside. (Flannel is sold out online)

Music // Selena Gomez
Yes, I’m twenty-two. No shame in my music game. But really, her new album has produced some new favorites that I have been jamming to a lot recently. “Same Old Love” and “Sober” have been on my Spotify recently played for the past weeks or so. Also on my radar, “Sorry” by Justin Bieber. Like I said, absolutely no shame.

The BEST Favorite of October // Myself
I quickly needed to address the thing I have been most loving this month, and that’s myself. Cliché? Okay maybe a little bit. But for those that surround me and constantly hear me tear myself down (I know I do it too), they know this is kind of a big deal. I’ll never be as confident as I strive to be (don’t be thinking “oh yes you can girl” and that I'm looking for any type of attention because there’s definitely some scars and words in life that just never disappear), and I’ve accepted that. But I’m working on me, solely for me. Low-key, I have made the effort to lose weight. I’ve confided in a few close friends about it, but I’ve kept it under wraps mostly because it was a decision I made for myself, and no one else's oppinion was needed. I use to have the mentality that I wanted to it to look better to others, and honestly, compared to others, and now I realize why all other attempts (at anything, not just weight lost) have always failed. It’s not about how it’ll affect others, it’s how it’ll affect you and what you want. As of stepping on the scale yesterday, I have officially lost 10 pounds since the day after my birthday. I actually cried when I saw a particular number I wanted to hit… and was actually under that. I had never felt more proud of myself. Ask anyone, and most people will tell you I’ve been slightly better at accepting who I am, what I look like, and being happy with what God has handed. Three months of healthy eating has been hard, esepcially when all I wanted everyday was a huge bowl of mac ‘n cheese. But seeing hard work pay off is absolutely wonderful and motivating. Even though October has been difficult in other aspects, I feel as if I’ll always remember this month because I’ve never been more proud to be me and the woman I am becoming because I fought to become her.

Alright, I’m done being sappy.
Blogging hasn’t been on my forefront lately, but Fall has inspired some new ideas, and I can’t wait to share them with you all!

Also, I guest-blogged my Fall Bucket List. Check it out here!
Hope your October was filled with all the pumpkin spice and everything nice.

Until next time,


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